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Water Filtration System

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Get the Sawyer Mini Filtration System Here:

Water is life and so is the Sawyer Mini Filtration System ! My favourite feature is the ability to screw the filter onto standard disposable bottles (28mm thread) and you can drink the IMMEDIATELY without having to wait for the water to filter, unlike like water tablets or a pump.

Important Features to the Sawyer Mini Filtration System:

  • Lightweight

  • Versatile personal filtration system,

  • Fits in the palm of your hand: weight of just 2 ounces

  • The MINI filter removes 7 log (99.99999%) of all bacteria

  • Lasts apparently 10,000 drinks (lol no I don't keep track)

  • Great for outdoor recreation, hiking, camping, scouting, domestic and international travel, and emergency prepping (fresh water sources only)

TIP: Go to your nearest grocery store or Shoppers Drug Mart and get SMART WATER (1L preferred) the filter fits perfectly and the plastic is thick = stronger hold

Get the Sawyer Mini Filtration System Here:

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Feb 27, 2023

This is so helpful! Didn’t know it fits the smartwater bottles perfectly

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